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Services: Why Choose Us?

We Are Fire Service Cost Recovery Pioneers!

We’ve been recovering incident response costs for local fire departments and rescue squads for 15 years!

Covenant Solutions has been providing Cost Recovery Solutions to Fire Departments and Rescue Squads across out nation since 2005. Our commitment to our customer’s needs has helped move Motor Vehicle Accident Response cost recovery and other untapped revenue sources into the mainstream.

Remember that Old Saying,
You Get What You Give?

In the United States we have few natural resources more precious then our local fire fighters and rescue squad members!

As you, our fire fighters and rescue squad members, work tirelessly around the clock giving all that you have and more to your communities, that old saying falls short in terms of what you actually do “get back.”

Shrinking returns for your dedication and efforts?

From economically stressed communities and — even more concerning — from insurance providers who benefit or profit from your response, the return from your dedicated work seems to shrink more and more.

We know you don’t expect much and you do what you do with compassion and dedication. But so often many of you have no choice but to work with substandard equipment due to insufficient or downright lack of funding, while sacrificing the recognition and safe conditions that you so rightfully deserve!

Covenant Solutions recognizes that our fire services have not been getting back what you give in terms of recognition and, most importantly, safe equipment for a very long time.

Our Mission is to change all that!

We have one focus: Cost Recovery
through insurance reimbursement

Our first and foremost commitment is toward making your lives safer and easier. So, when you choose Covenant Solutions as your cost recovery service, our best is exactly what we deliver! We have one specific focus, Fire Service Cost Recovery through insurance reimbursement.

As one of the founding pioneers of Fire Service Cost Recovery, we have been providing Cost Recovery Solutions to Fire Departments all across our Nation since 2005!

Our team’s dedicated commitment to the needs of our customers has helped move Motor Vehicle Accident Response cost recovery and other untapped revenue streams into the mainstream while setting and monitoring key Industry Standards and protocols. The opportunity to work for your department is an honor we don’t take lightly and we are committed and determined to keep you operational and response-ready at the highest levels. To us, this is not just a job but truly a mission of utmost urgency!

Get Started!

Call Toll Free: +1 (866) 259-1391 Or
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America's Fire Service Cost Recovery Experts.

Or Call Toll Free: 866-259-1391

Contact Covenant Solutions

Corporate Headquarters

105 Greencove Rd
Huntsville, AL 35803

Corporate Mailing Address

PO Box 14545, Huntsville, AL 35815
Toll Free Ph:  866-259-1391
Toll Free Fax: 866-879-3506